You may have heard that much Italian cuisine was born out of deep poverty, but would you believe they go so far as to eat mouse tails? Mouse tails made from pasta, that is. Code di topo are another gem from Oretta Zanini de Vita’s Encyclopedia of Pasta. Although not made from actual mouse tails, […]
| Economic Crisis, Encyclopedia of Pasta, Italy, Mouse, Pasta, Simple
With all the positive attention the “local food movement” is getting these days, some reaction is inevitable. While I think there are fair criticisms to be leveled at locavores, a lot of what is written against eating local leaves me scratching my head. Such was my reaction when, reading a review of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, […]
| Apples, Bargains, Beans, Celeriac, Celery, Corn, Economic Crisis, Heirlooms, Parsnips, Peppers, Produce, Red Peppers, Savings, Thrift, Tomatoes, Vegetables
As winter slowly releases its icy grip on the north, I get pretty desperate for any vegetable that isn’t a root. It is pretty exciting when green things start to reappear in the grocery, even if they have to be trucked in from California in late April. So it is with fresh fava beans, a […]
| Economic Crisis, Fava, Fresh, Green, Produce, Spring, Wedge
Fuul is a delicious Egyptian treat.
| Aleppo Pepper, Beans, Cheap, Cumin, Economic Crisis, Egypt, Fava, Fuul, Lemon, middle east, middle eastern food, Rutabaga
By Tom // 17 March 2009 in: Technique
Don’t throw away beef trimmings-make suet!
| Beef, Economic Crisis, Fat, Gristle, Lard, Meat, Thrift
By Tom // 10 February 2009 in: Technique
Experimenting with sous vide without experimental equipment.
| Beef, Cheap, Chuck Steak, DIY, Economic Crisis, Experiment, Sandwich, Sous Vide, Ziploc Bag
By Tom // 5 February 2009 in: Bread
Sure, baking bread at home is awesome. But does it save money?
| Bread, Economic Crisis, Multigrain, Prices, Savings