

Whole chicken (one-) pot pie

A chicken in every potpie.

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Sheet pan pizza 2022

Pizza making around here follows an annual cycle. Since getting a portable, outdoor pizza oven, summers are devoted to Neapolitan-style pies. But in winter, when it’s too cold for the outdoor oven (I found that the Ooni struggles to stay hot enough when it’s below 20º out, plus who wants to walk out there?) we […]

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Does anyone else make sloppy joes with minestrone soup?

The first time I ever ate a Manwich sloppy joe, I thought it was so weird — and definitely not a sloppy joe. It’s not that I’m a snob about food the comes out of a can. It was because, growing up, this is how my family made sloppy joes: Cook some minced onion and […]

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Why you should know how to make pancakes from scratch

This is not a post about why pancakes made from scratch are better than pancakes made from a mix. Pancake mix is fine. I grew up eating pancakes made from Bisquick, and while I haven’t had a Bisquick pancake in a while, if I did I bet I’d enjoy it a lot. But I don’t […]

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All-rye soda bread

Continuing my rye kick, for St. Patrick’s Day I decided to try to make soda bread using only rye flour. I started from a brown soda bread recipe from Cook’s Illustrated. That recipe called for a roughly fifty-fifty mix of white and whole wheat flours, with some wheat bran also thrown in, and enough buttermilk […]

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Broccoli-cheese quiche with rye crust

Quiche was on the menu tonight. I decided to try making the crust with rye flour, figuring the toasted/nutty flavors of rye would be good with savory quiche fillings. In the food processor I combined: 4.3 oz bread flour 2 oz rye flour 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp? kosher salt After mixing that I added […]

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photo of bowl of green grapes covered in sour cream with caramelized brown sugar and pecans

Sorry New York Times, grape salad is bullshit

Few things raise Minnesotans’ collective glee quite like when our frosty state earns mention in the New York Times – particularly when America’s paper of record gets Minnesota very, very wrong. Remember “Mort’s”? And so we greeted with a good deal of mock outrage and secret merriment the Times’ strange assertion, in an article about the Thanksgiving […]

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Shells with pea shoots and cream

In the early season, when trips to the farmers market yield just a few bits of local produce, the pressure’s on. As a cook, you’ve got only one or two chances to enjoy the fruits of the land before it’s back to the winter slog of canned whatever, dairy, starch and meat. So you’d better […]

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savory oatmeal with grated cheese, sliced scallions, and paprika sprinkled on top

Savory oatmeal, where have you been all my life?

The word ‘oatmeal’ technically just refers to dried oats – be they steel-cut, rolled or quick – or a porridge made thereof. Long habit and family tradition, though, conjure up a whole dish for me: oats cooked soft, mixed with raisins and milk and generously sprinkled with brown sugar – you know you’ve got enough when […]


Making Applesauce

Ingredients 3 pounds apples, quartered Honey or sugar (optional) Lemon juice (optional) 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite spice: cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, cloves (optional) Now, to begin. Step 1: Get thee to the Kingfield Farmers Market/Fulton Farmers Market Holiday Market… Market Market Market this Sunday and grab a peck of apples. These beautiful Ruby Jons originated there this time […]

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