

photo of bowl of green grapes covered in sour cream with caramelized brown sugar and pecans

Sorry New York Times, grape salad is bullshit

Few things raise Minnesotans’ collective glee quite like when our frosty state earns mention in the New York Times – particularly when America’s paper of record gets Minnesota very, very wrong. Remember “Mort’s”? And so we greeted with a good deal of mock outrage and secret merriment the Times’ strange assertion, in an article about the Thanksgiving […]

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Going the Distance

One day and nearly 80 miles. I made my first trip to Stillwater on Saturday with Tom (about 60 miles round trip), who also experienced a new adventure–his first trip to Stillwater by Brompton and his first ride to Stillwater with a riding partner. We were quite the pair in our spandex shorts and jerseys atop […]

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Lens Play

I’ve been using a 50mm prime lens since Uncle Don loaned me his D80 for my photography class earlier this year, and I’ve come to love the simplicity of it. Want to see something in more detail? Move closer. Need to see the whole thing? Back up. Thinking I might enjoy exploring another type of […]


Midtown Farmers Market 2013 season opens with a splash

I know, I know, Minnesota, you’re tired of hearing about how crappy the weather has been. So I won’t dwell on the fact that today, May 4th, the opening day of the 2013 Midtown Farmers Market season, didn’t exactly present us with “farmers market weather.” 35° and rainy isn’t unbearable but it doesn’t make you […]


Dissonant spring

With any luck, I’ve captured the official last snowfall of the year. On the left are images from my morning walk on Tuesday, while on the right are scenes from my morning walk on Friday. It’s been an odd week to say the least. We did our fair share of groaning at last week’s snow […]


Winter Walking

One year in, and I’m still walking. Sometimes I even bring my “real” camera along. I’m starting a new photography class next month and I’m excited to learn more, this time with a borrowed digital SLR… a real real camera. Wish me luck!


On the Bright Side

Minneapolis’ first, real snow has arrived.


Fall Blooms

Considering the talk of frost warnings, I set out on a recent morning walk to find out what might be blooming still. I let my steps be guided by the flowers, pulling my camera toward their range of colors both firey and soft. It turns out fall color isn’t just about the trees.


A disturbing trend in cheese pricing

A specter is haunting Minneapolis: the specter of per-half-pound cheese pricing. There you are, innocently perusing the fancy cheeses, thinking to yourself, “Alas! These cheeses entice me so, but I could never afford them!” But then you pick one up and glance furtively at the unit price, and lo! $10! The kids might have to […]


Brommie goes Garage Sale-ing

With a day off ahead of me this morning, I decided I’d take a ride down to Minnehaha Falls before Minneapolis hit 90ºF. I had almost reached Minnehaha Park when I came upon an unattended yard sale. I strayed from the path to take a look at the few items on offer, one of them […]


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