
Posts by Tom

Pizza night

This week I used the bread dough recipe for pizza dough intentionally. I love the results.

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Bread dough pizza dough

You know when you’re just working on autopilot in the kitchen? When your hands just do a thing with minimal involvement from your brain? This happened to me on Thursday as I was making dough for our weekly Friday pizza night. I make pizza dough the night before because letting the dough rest overnight gives […]

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Pizza night: Pepperoni, Adriatico

Despite making pizza almost every week for the past few years, there are only a few topping combinations that I keep coming back to. Most common are the single-ingredient pies: pepperoni, which our five-year old insists on eating every pizza night (not that any of the adults are complaining), and Margherita, with just cheese, sauce […]

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There are times at the farmers market when you see a vegetable you just can’t resist, even if you have no idea what you’re going to do with it. That was the case last weekend at the Midtown Farmers Market when I saw beautiful, massive Napa cabbages from Mom’s Garden. I had to have one. […]

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Pizza night: Pepperoni and ham with pepperoncini

After a series of rainy or cold spring weekends, as of this Friday the Ooni is back in action. I’ve had the oven for five years now, and every year that goes by the season gets shorter: I am a little less gung-ho about dragging it out of the garage on marginal days in March […]

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Whole chicken (one-) pot pie

A chicken in every potpie.

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Bun day

Buns using Wordloaf’s Shokupain de mie recipe. Pulled pork coming! Update: pulled pork (Still working on focus here!) Chaser: Update 3! Worth adding some notes:

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Sheet pan pizza 2022

Pizza making around here follows an annual cycle. Since getting a portable, outdoor pizza oven, summers are devoted to Neapolitan-style pies. But in winter, when it’s too cold for the outdoor oven (I found that the Ooni struggles to stay hot enough when it’s below 20º out, plus who wants to walk out there?) we […]

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Does anyone else make sloppy joes with minestrone soup?

The first time I ever ate a Manwich sloppy joe, I thought it was so weird — and definitely not a sloppy joe. It’s not that I’m a snob about food the comes out of a can. It was because, growing up, this is how my family made sloppy joes: Cook some minced onion and […]

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