
Pizza night: Pepperoni, Adriatico

Despite making pizza almost every week for the past few years, there are only a few topping combinations that I keep coming back to.

Most common are the single-ingredient pies: pepperoni, which our five-year old insists on eating every pizza night (not that any of the adults are complaining), and Margherita, with just cheese, sauce and basil.

I have a few that were inspired by Peter Reinhart’s American Pie, which is a very foundational text for all my pizza making. That’s where I got the idea for pesto with goat cheese, which is both delicious and a visually striking green, and pizza with prosciutto topped with fresh arugula after it’s cooked, which is also a very pretty pie.

In the fall, I make a pizza with slivered Brussels sprouts and chopped bacon with no tomato sauce that we had at Motorino in New York City.

But one of my favorite go-to pizzas, probably behind only the one-topping pizzas in terms of how often I make it, is copied from the Twin Cities’ own Punch Pizza: the Adriatico. The Punch menu lists the ingredients as: “Feta, caper, onion, saracene olive, oregano.” I adhere to that loosely; you definitely need to have the raw onion, which gets sweet in the heat of the oven, the olives, the capers and the oregano — usually dried applied after the pizza is out, but also good with fresh. I don’t always have feta on hand, so that one is optional. This week, I used artichoke hearts.

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