What’s small, bright, and makes all of our picnic dreams come true? Indeed, a tiny grill from Bodum. We’ve been hunting a round, portable, lidded grill for a while now and this just might be the one. Tom and I have narrowed it down to yellow, but the FYRKAT Picnic Charcoal Grill also comes in green, […]
| bodum, camping, Grill, Grilling, Picnic, Yellow
At the risk of being un-of the moment, I’d like to share some pictures from our February weekend in Duluth, MN. Allow me to set the record straight… this was the site of our first first picnic, attempted on the shores of Lake Superior and finished with gloved hands inside of a state park shelter with […]
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| Bread, Duluth, Food, Hikes, Lake Superior, Minnesota, Nature, Picnic, Rustic, State Parks, Terrine
By Tom // 22 February 2009 in: Recipes
The tale of a terrine made with lamb liver and pork.
| Charcuterie, Food, Lamb, Liver, Picnic, Pork, Terrine