Farmers Market
With Martha out of town all week, I needed to hold back at the Midtown Farmers’ Market. There’s only so much produce one person can go through in a week! On the other hand, it’s the first day of August, what feels like the midpoint of the growing season, and that means there is tons […]
| Broccoli, Dill, Jalapeño, parsley, Raspberries, Tomato
I don’t know if it was the blue skies, all the rain we’ve been getting lately, or all the wine I drank last night, but there was magic in the air at the Farmers’ Market today–vegetable buying magic. The produce on offer was for the most part the same as last week, with a few […]
| Cabbage, Carrots, Cilantro, Corn, Cucumbers, Leeks, Potatoes, Purple, Tomatillos, Tomatoes
The last time I went to the Midtown Farmers’ Market, summer was in full swing with a great variety of vegetables, but most of the vegetables were still pretty small: baby beets, tiny zucchini and summer squash with the flowers still on, new potatoes, spring onions, young greens, etc. After three weeks, the same vegetables […]
| Basil, Beets, Carrots, Green Beans, Green Onions, Lettuce, Onions, Potatoes, Radishes, Squash
The Midtown Farmers’ Market has settled into that easy summer rhythm where each week there are some new vegetables, some that have been around for a while are gone, but mostly you can buy more of what was good the week before. So while the greens (spinach, kale) are somewhat less abundant (and, consequently, I […]
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| Cauliflower, Eggplant, Peas, Potatoes, Shell Peas, Strawberries, Zucchini
In celebration of the official start of summer (and as a result of the horrid levels of heat/humidity in Minneapolis), this weekend we broke out the ice cream maker. As Tom mentioned, we took home a pint of strawberries from the Midtown Farmer’s Market and they were starting to get a little funky after a couple […]
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| Cook's Illustrated, Farmers Market, Homemade, Ice Cream, Ice Cream Maker, Krups, Simple Syrup, Sorbet, Strawberry
During a busy but fun weekend I didn’t have time to blog, but I did have time to get to the Midtown Farmers’ Market: Obviously, this picture was taken at home rather than at the market, but my purchasing was comprehensive enough that I feel it’s a fair representation of what was to be had […]
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| Beets, Broccoli, Daikon, Greens, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Radishes, Strawberries, Sugar Snap Peas, Zucchini
Besides all of the edible treasures from today’s trip to the Midtown Farmers’ Market, we also took home a small group of succulent cuttings ($2.00). I thought I recognized the plant from my new (old) book, Plants for the Home, purchased at a thrift store for just $0.69. Of the succulents for sale, this was […]
| Burro's Tail, Farmers Market, House Plants, Succulents
Amazing what two weeks will do. I missed the last two weeks of the Midtown Farmers’ Market while on a trip home (and enjoying the very fine Midland Farmers’ Market). You might recall that my last trip, while exciting because of the first appearance of asparagus, was a bit disappointing since that was the only […]
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| Dill, Greens, Herbs, Kale, Lettuce, Midtown, Minneapolis, Onions, parsley, Radishes, Rhubarb, Spinach
The sight of the Midtown Farmers’ Market yesterday morning was a little disappointing; it seemed like there were even fewer vendors than the past two weeks and nary a fresh vegetable to be seen. At least there are always tamales. And then suddenly, as we were settling down with our coffee and tamales to listen to […]
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| Asparagus, Farmers, Fresh, Green, Spring, Tamales
Saturday morning I headed to the Midtown Farmer’s Market for the second time of the year. Unfortunately, last week’s prayers for asparagus went unanswered; still no fresh fruits or veggies anywhere to be seen. According to their website, I shouldn’t expect fresh vegetables until the end of May. But just because there aren’t any vegetables […]
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| Coffee, Minneapolis, Okra, Pickles, Tamales