July 4, 2009. We were up early, had arepas for breakfast, and explored around the house–peeking out the windows, poking around the patio, and getting to know la casa on our second day in Cali. My cousin Juan came over around noon to greet us. After a visit to Juan’s house to find his wife […]
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| Colombia, Colombian Food, flowers
Tom and I spent Memorial Day visiting Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield (a first ring suburb of Minneapolis). The weather had been off-and-on all weekend and when it began to clear up on Monday we headed out, not wanting to wait too long… considering the sky might turn on us again. When we arrived our […]
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| birding, hiking, Local, Mushrooms, Nature Center, Richfield Minnesota, trail running, turtles, wildflowers, Wood Lake Nature Center
Having missed last week, I was determined to get to Midtown Farmers Market with Tom despite this morning’s stay-in-bed weather. We suited up in rain pants and rain coats and made our way into the downpour. In exchange for soggy feet Tom found eggs, asparagus, and rhubarb. I picked up a zeppolo for my mom, […]
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| Asparagus, Farmers Market, Green, Midtown Farmers Market, Rhubarb, Spring, zeppole
Tom made sure we’d arrive at Midtown Farmers Market right at 8 a.m. on its Opening Day on May 7. He promised to head straight for the produce–be it spinach, asparagus, or even last year’s apples. He swore he wouldn’t talk to anyone or even buy a coffee before making sure we had some of […]
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| Apples, Farmers Market, Farmers Sandwich, Midtown, Midtown Farmers Market, Minneapolis, Sandwiches, Spinach, Spring
Hoping to catch the earliest of the season’s morels, Tom and I headed south last weekend in search of the Minnesota State Mushroom. As with any mushroom trip, the central goal – the one that we try to convince ourselves of over and over, as we continue to tote an empty basket – was to have […]
| fungi, fungus, Local, Minnesota, Mushrooms, Spring, Wild Mushrooms
Tom and I visited New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut (four states!) over Easter and shared some great walks with my brother and sister near each of their new homes. In terms of fungal activity, it’s a little early for morels and off-season for the many summer and fall varieties, but I still kept an […]
| Connecticut, family, Mushrooms, New York, Spring, Wild Mushrooms, witch's butter
Today Tom and I were fortunate to receive an early morning visit from my parents, here on a long layover at the MSP airport. With my photography class still fresh, I’ve been struck by the beauty of daylight upon others’ faces of late and have wanted to take just about everyone’s picture. Thus far I’ve […]
While I’ve grown in my ability to take pictures of inanimate objects – especially edibles – since Tom and I started marthaandtom.com two years ago, I still struggle with portraits. I’m introverted; when I’m behind the camera with a person or group on the other side, it’s rare that I direct a subject (smile for […]
| class, continuing education, IFP, Minneapolis, Photography, portraits, shy photographers
Last Wednesday night I hustled from a meeting near the Mississippi to Cooks of Crocus Hill in Edina before their 9 o’clock closure, refusing the freeway. Our tropical jewel fruit share had arrived. I had called the shop earlier to find out exactly how long I had to drop in and pick up the fruit and […]
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| Citrus, Cooks, cropshare, Fruit, fruitshare, Green, lemons, limes, Yellow