
Posts Tagged ‘Photography’

Finding Fungus

Julia and I headed south to get a gauge on Minnesota’s spring mushrooms some time in May. Here’s what we found. And here we are, November 1.


Hello Scarlet

There wasn’t much to see at the farmers market just now, but it’s a good thing I took my camera along. Waiting at our front door upon our return was this lovely Scarlet Tanager.


Lens Play

I’ve been using a 50mm prime lens since Uncle Don loaned me his D80 for my photography class earlier this year, and I’ve come to love the simplicity of it. Want to see something in more detail? Move closer. Need to see the whole thing? Back up. Thinking I might enjoy exploring another type of […]


Dissonant spring

With any luck, I’ve captured the official last snowfall of the year. On the left are images from my morning walk on Tuesday, while on the right are scenes from my morning walk on Friday. It’s been an odd week to say the least. We did our fair share of groaning at last week’s snow […]


A Very Happy Anniversary

Tom and I said “I do.” one year ago today. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I need not write any more. Our thanks to all who helped make this day so special, and to all who traveled to be with us in Michigan last September. Wedding photography by Kara Purtell, final photos by […]


Photography Class – On Assignment

While I’ve grown in my ability to take pictures of inanimate objects – especially edibles – since Tom and I started two years ago, I still struggle with portraits. I’m introverted; when I’m behind the camera with a person or group on the other side, it’s rare that I direct a subject (smile for […]


United Steaks

Couldn’t resist re-blogging this (via Oh Joy! by Dominic Episcopo). I’m just sorry the U.P. is missing… and that isn’t the best depiction of the L.P. either. But hey, when’s the last time you sculpted a steak? See two more at Oh Joy! and check out Episcopo’s amazing food photography by navigating to the portfolio’s […]