
Midtown Farmers’ Market: Week 27–Last Day


It was with some sadness (and wistful thoughts of future Saturday mornings spent sleeping in) that Martha and I mounted our noble bicycles and set out on the ride to the last official Midtown Farmers’ Market of the 2009 season. The weather, while generally cloudy, was punctuated by bursts of sunlight and dominated by a steady autumn wind that elicited some speculation from vendors about how long they would last out there. But they are a hardy bunch and I’m sure they saw the market through to the end (I sure didn’t!).

As promised, I did a good job attacking the crisper drawer over the course of the last week such that we were left with only a bunch of celery and some lemongrass. Which meant it was time to stock up, all the more so since this was the last farmers market of the year before a long winter. Much of my buying took this long view into account by focusing on vegetables that store well: onions, three kinds of potatoes (russets, large red potatoes, and small red potatoes), carrots, parsnips and butternut squash. The real joy of the farmers’ market for me is the fresh, green food: brussels sprouts, broccoli and leeks. Those will be missed later in the year. And it wouldn’t be the fall farmers’ market in Minnesota without apples; I couldn’t resist a ¼ peck of Honeycrisps.

For her part, Martha couldn’t resist some letter press cards by regular market vendors Vandalia Street Press that make use of interesting figure-ground relationships. Nor could she resist including them in the photo of the market haul!


Although this was the last official farmers’ market at Midtown of the fall, there will be more opportunities to get delicious local produce. I will definitely be going to the Midtown Farmers’ Market fundraiser at the Minneapolis Eagles Club (2507 E 25th St) on November 14 where in addition to raffles and music and the usual fundraising hullabaloo there will be a farmers’ market set up in the parking lot. A pretty great way to support a worthy cause while selfishly stocking up on the best vegetables around! (And very conveniently situated before Thanksgiving.) But if planning ahead for Thanksgiving isn’t your thing, Brett of Real Bread informed me that there will also be a special market at the usual place on Wednesday, November 25 from 1—4 PM. Even though the official market season’s over, the Midtown Farmers’ Market won’t leave you out in the cold for great produce this winter.


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4 comments on “Midtown Farmers’ Market: Week 27–Last Day”

  1. Angie 31 October, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    We bought those same Christmas cards!

    Even though our CSA has us stocked for the week, we splurged on more squash, lotsa meat in the Clean-out-the-truck sale, 3 different types of cheese, garlic rounds, and of course crepes and hot cider. 🙂

    Until next year…

  2. Linda 31 October, 2009 at 4:03 pm

    I’ve enjoyed all these Farmers’ Market posts and will miss them. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Midtown Farmers’ Market. I’ll keep a warm memory of the ratatouille you made for us in September.

  3. Tom 2 November, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    I am still feeling a bit liberated; so many possibilities for Saturday morning! But I am sure there will be sadness when I run out of the last of the farmers’ market produce.

  4. Brett Laidlaw 11 November, 2009 at 11:53 am

    Tom, et al: My good friends Fred and Kim make those excellent cards! They’ve been a great addition to the market this year. Tom and Martha, thanks so much for your support of the Midtown market and its vendors. Your enthusiasm for our market’s products is truly inspiring. Thanks, too, for helping get word out about our November events. Look forward to seeing you there (and they’re both afternoon events, so you can sleep in AND hit the market!). All best~ Brett