
Posts Tagged ‘Okra’

Midtown Farmers’ Market: Week 16–Pleasant Surprises

My parents are in town visiting this weekend, so I don’t have time to elaborately describe what’s going on in the Midtown Farmers’ Market this week–we’re just too busy enjoying the sights of Minneapolis! But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have time to go, and bring back a pretty impressive haul. With the hot weather […]


Midtown Farmers’ Market: Week 2–Still no veggies

Saturday morning I headed to the Midtown Farmer’s Market for the second time of the year. Unfortunately, last week’s prayers for asparagus went unanswered; still no fresh fruits or veggies anywhere to be seen. According to their website, I shouldn’t expect fresh vegetables until the end of May.  But just because there aren’t any vegetables […]

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