
Emmo Home

The night before last I was looking for a source for the Alessi juicer by Philippe Starck (below left) after recognizing it in one of the scenes in Food, Inc. The juicer appeared in the kitchen of Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation, and I was curious about how much it cost (answer, $90). The movie was great for so many reasons. You should see it; I hope it will change the way you think about food. I hope it will change the way you think about a lot of things. Enough with the seriousness, though. This post is here because you should also see this website that I found the juicer on! They have a lot of great stuff. It’s Emmo Home. Emmo is meant to spell out the sound of saying the letters M. and O. M.O. for Modus Operandi (so they say in their FAQ). But that’s not what matters. Check out all of these lovely things!

Juicy Salif Citrus Squeezer by AlessiAlessi Kiwi Watering CanBread Bag by Steltonblack-blum-salad-plant-A_size2

Juicy Salif Squeezer by Alessi, Kiwi watering can by Alessi, Bread Bag by Stelton, Salad Plant by Black + Blum. Images:

p.s. They also carry the Cycloc Bike Rack by IC Design Group (featured here previously).


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2 comments on “Emmo Home”

  1. Uncle Don 30 June, 2009 at 10:02 am

    I think it’s great you could view the movie. As far as I can tell it is not getting much distribution in Michigan. There is a showing in Ann Arbor this month. I did purchase the book.

  2. Martha 1 July, 2009 at 10:38 am

    Thanks, Don! I hope you and Ann can see it soon as well. If not in theaters, perhaps via Netflix as it gets released on DVD?

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