Spring Planting, Our Window Gardens
By Martha // Posted 1 June, 2009 in: Apartment, Garden
Last year Tom decided he’d like to start an herb garden on one of our window sills (After my agreement, this went into the grocery budget!). Living in a older brick building, we have the luxury of having large areas outside of every window on which to place planters. It’s true we have a northern exposure, but we have to be thankful for what we have, people. Since we had such a great summer of rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, peppermint, and oregano in 2008, this year, we decided to continue the garden.
As in ’08, we headed for Mother Earth Gardens, where we originally purchased our window box and plants last year:
Luckily, tarragon is an perennial. It came back all on its own:
On May 3 we planted (or replanted, the case of the tarragon pictured above):
- Oregano
- Spearmint *new*
- Thyme
- Sage
- Chives *new*
- Rosemary
- Tarragon
As of Wednesday, it will be 1 month since planting. I hope to be able to plot our herbs’ progress as the season goes on so that we can both have a record of their growth and share it with you. And, of course, expect to see [Tom’s] entries on how we use the herbs in our kitchen.
Finally, I wanted to share a project from the weekend. Below are my newly acquired pots from my favorite Swedish store with extras from the work at Common Roots. We’re now officially out of soil, so I think this will be it for the season. Given that, I’m hoping these two bell peppers and a small crop of tomatillos will produce fruit. Tom, the doubter, isn’t sure we have the sun required. We’ll see. The first victory is that it is possible to water the plants *without* removing the screen (as long as the watering can is full enough).
No comments | Bell Peppers, Garden, gardening, Herbs, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Spearmint, Tarragon, Thyme, Tomatillos, Window Boxes
This entry was posted by Martha on Monday, June 1st, 2009 at 10:51 am and is filed under Apartment, Garden. You can subscribe to responses to this entry via RSS.
[…] Martha and me near our apartment is limited to a 8×20″ window planter in which we raise a jumble of herbs every summer and fall (last year we also tried small pots with tomatoes on other windowsills, but […]