
Vote No, Minnesota

Vote NO, Minnesota

I decided to play a game on my morning walk of hunting the word “NO” in spirit of tomorrow’s elections in Minnesota. I found 8 differently type-set “N-O”s. Obviously, I’ve included just six here because even numbers are better and multiples of three are best. You can see them all on Instagram (we’re username marthaandtom).

Now for the serious bit…

If you’re a Minnesotan, or a registered voter in the U.S. for that matter, remember to make time to head to the polls. If you’re voting in person, take a look at what your ballot will look like before you’re in line. Maybe even print out a copy of your choices(!). Inform yourself. I won’t go into great detail about my own opinions on Minnesota’s proposed constitutional amendments, because it’s been said already far better than I could put into words. Even some of my favorite bloggers have had their say.

So. Some quick thoughts. As a couple, Tom and I enjoy enormous privileges through our marriage. Some of these we’ve benefitted from already, some we likely will in the future, and some we may never consider because we can so easily take them for granted. If this is true for you too, please know that it’s still not true for everyone. With this in mind, Minnesota, Vote No on Amendment 1.

a photo of the bride and groom on a bridge

Finally, I wanted to share something I’m a little ashamed to admit. When we first moved to Minnesota in 2008, I mixed up the deadline for absentee voting in Michigan and didn’t know what to do until I learned I could register on Election Day in Minnesota. Remember, that last, very important presidential election? Yes. That one. I almost didn’t get to vote. Looking back, I can’t believe I waited too long to send in my absentee ballot with enough time for it to be counted. Beyond that, I remain thankful to live in a state that provides for same-day registration. That means that if you still haven’t registered, you still have a chance to vote in Minnesota. That means if you’ve moved since last Election Day and haven’t yet updated your address, you still have a chance to vote in Minnesota. Help maintain same-day registration. Vote No on Amendment 2.


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4 comments on “Vote No, Minnesota”

  1. annie 5 November, 2012 at 10:03 pm

    Minnesota nice…we vote “no” twice!

  2. Uncle Don 6 November, 2012 at 5:18 am

    Love the photos.

  3. Ronda 6 November, 2012 at 6:55 am

    I will be voting NO!

  4. amy 7 November, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Nicely shared, Martha, a contribution to that well-worn phrase, “but what can I do?” of our political system.