
Finding Fungus

Julia and I headed south to get a gauge on Minnesota’s spring mushrooms some time in May. Here’s what we found. And here we are, November 1.

Minnesota mushrooms in spring toasted singed Minnesota mushrooms in spring Minnesota mushrooms in spring Minnesota mushrooms in spring Minnesota wildflowers in spring Julia & Martha


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6 comments on “Finding Fungus”

  1. Susan LeBoeuf 3 November, 2013 at 9:12 am

    Very nice photography!

  2. Amy 10 November, 2013 at 7:33 am

    These are beautiful pictures of natural beauties, Martha, that not every eye would pick up and appreciate. I really do hope there is a book in the making…

  3. Julia 10 November, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    Those photos turned out beautifully! Good job! I’m so glad you’re sharing them!

    (Also, our heights. I am smiling.)